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What is Pitch Deck Copywriting ?
Pitch deck copywriting is the art of creating persuasive and captivating written content for a pitch deck.
This involves crafting concise and impactful text that effectively communicates the business idea, market
This involves crafting concise and impactful text that effectively communicates the business idea, market

opportunity, unique selling points, and financial projections. Our goal is to captivate the audience, convey
the business's vision and potential, and elicit a positive response from investors or stakeholders.
the business's vision and potential, and elicit a positive response from investors or stakeholders.
Common Mistake
assume audience can
relate to the problem
relate to the problem
assume audience
knows the market
knows the market
don't think from an
investor's perspective
investor's perspective

First, let's add the Market Size of the problem:
Issues - No warm-up and Too Vague
1. Maybe some investors never really realize the
issue, by addressing the problem this way,
investors will know there's an issue and it's a
big problem.
issue, by addressing the problem this way,
investors will know there's an issue and it's a
big problem.
1. While it might be "true", investors still won't
understand how challenging it is.
understand how challenging it is.
2. Also, who will be visiting multiple facilitites
and practioners? How large the population it is?
and practioners? How large the population it is?

2. Then, you have to conduct thorough research
to give your problem statement credibility -
including data from reputable sources will
greatly enhance the validity of your argument.
to give your problem statement credibility -
including data from reputable sources will
greatly enhance the validity of your argument.
After Version - Add Market Size
$4.4 trillion global wellness industry is missing a
vital piece: a unified and all-encompassing strategy
for its $131 billion health coaching sector.
vital piece: a unified and all-encompassing strategy
for its $131 billion health coaching sector.
Secondly, let's add the Severity of the problem,
where investors can feel it:
where investors can feel it:
1. The Severity defines the consequences of a
Problem in a way people can relate to.
Problem in a way people can relate to.
After Version - Add Severity & Credibility
1. Over 30% of gym or wellness goers lack adequate
support and motivation, according to a 2020 IHRSA
survey. This absense of personalized attention can
lead to dwindling motivation and unresolved
underlying issues, preventing individuals from
reaching their ultimate health goal.
support and motivation, according to a 2020 IHRSA
survey. This absense of personalized attention can
lead to dwindling motivation and unresolved
underlying issues, preventing individuals from
reaching their ultimate health goal.
2. Stay focused on the specific area that we
are trying to solve.
are trying to solve.

Client onboarding Meetings
Understanding client's current visual design
(focus on client's logo, color pattern, logo story, & business name story)
Understanding client's current version of business proposal and ask questions
(focus on client's business proposal content -> this requires client to submit current version of business proposal)
Client offboarding Meetings
Going over details of each slide and providing notes for a short pitch

What is Pitch Deck Copywriting ?
Pitch deck copywriting is the art of creating persuasive
and captivating written content for a pitch deck.
and captivating written content for a pitch deck.
This involves crafting
concise and impactful
text that effectively
communicates the
business idea, market opportunity,
unique selling points, and financial pro jections.
Our goal is to capti
vate the audience,
convey the business's

vision and potential, and
elicit a positive response
from investors or stakeholders.
Common Mistake
assume audience can
relate to the problem
assume audience
knows the market
don't think from an
investor's perspective

First, let's add the Market Size of the problem:
1. Maybe some investors never really realize the
issue, by addressing the problem this way,
investors will know there's an issue and it's a big
2. Then, you have to conduct thorough research to
give your problem statement credibility -
including data from reputable sources will greatly
enhance the validity of your argument.

Secondly, let's add the Severity of the problem,
where investors can feel it:
1. The Severity defines the consequences of a
Problem in a way people can relate to.
2. Stay focused on the specific area that we are
trying to solve.

Issues - No warm-up and Too Vague
1. While it might be "true", investors still won't
understand how challenging it is.
2. Also, who will be visiting multiple facilitites and
practioners? How large the population it is?
After Version - Add Market Size
$4.4 trillion global wellness industry is missing a vital
piece: a unified and all-encompassing strategy for its
$131 billion health coaching sector.
piece: a unified and all-encompassing strategy for its
$131 billion health coaching sector.
After Version - Add Severity & Credibility
Over 30% of gym or wellness goers lack adequate
support and motivation, according to a 2020 IHRSA
survey. This absense of personalized attention can
lead to dwindling motivation and unresolved

Client onboarding Meetings
Understanding client's current visual design
(focus on client's logo, color pattern, logo story,
& business name story)
Understanding client's current
version of business
proposal and ask questions
(focus on client's business proposal content -> this requires
client to submit current version of business proposal)
Client offboarding Meetings

Going over details of each slide and providing
notes for a short pitch